Qabr Ke Sawaal-1(Urdu)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Muslims Greet each other according to Quran and Sunnah

Kashmiris and Islam

I am a Kashmiri Muslim; born in Srinagar in early 74’s.Whatever I am going to write now is true word by word. I grew in the vicinity of Khankahi Mohalla, presently down town or old city .Those days we were living par with Hindus, and my schooling also was from a school namely Hindu high school. The influence of Hindu dominated Indian media was so great that all the Muslim children used to stick to their T.V sets to watch serials like Ramayan, Mahabaharat ,And used to play it then on the streets chanting slogans like Jai shiri Raam,Ayushmaan bhava.tatha asthu etc..I am now in my 34’s but up to today I remember the Ramayan,Mahabarat,and almost every Hindu god and myth around them. But unfortunately until recently I was not knowing anything about my religion.I didn’t knew the history of my religion, The life of prophet(A.S),The life of the companions(R.A)of the prophet(A.S), The battles they fought in the name of god. The first fitna, the second fitna etc. etc.
Unfortunately 95% percent of Kashmiris do not know their religion as they should have. Because the Hindu dominated media and other political factors along with the active role of Iblis, they remain Ignorant. If it would have been not so why Umar Farooq told cable operators to stop showing obscene programmes. Some people will think what I am writing is nonsense, but before coming to any conclusion read the whole narration.
Let’s start from the greeting. Majority of Kashmiris don’t know how to greet in the Islamic way. Even some avoid to greet or being greeted. They show arrogance in their
Greetings .When some one greets the other He should say Asalamualikum, and the other should reply Walikumasalam.but instead of answering by the latter words they answer Asalamualikum.

Allah says in Sura no 4, An Nisa. Ayat no-86

From the aforementioned verse it becomes clear that even for greeting properly Allah rewards us. So how unfortunate are those who due to ignorance get deprived of an effortless reward.
Allah says :-

Oh! You who believe! Obey Allah and obey the messenger
(A.S) And those of you (Muslims) in authority, (And) If you
Differ in anything among yourselves, Refer it to Allah and
His messenger (P.B.U.H), If you believe in Allah and the
Last day (Qayamat & Resurrection).That is better & most
Suitable for final determination. Sura an Nisa.Verse-59

Rasool(A.S) and the companions(Ra.A) used to greet as told , but Kashmiris are disobeying Allah and Rasool(A.S)even in this elementary thing not to talk about other disobediences. What do we expect that Allah will listen to our prayers (dua) when we disobey him .Never. That’s why we are being humiliated by Christians, Jews, and Hindus. A poet says.



Anonymous said...

Dear Dr.Waleed Sheik:

Can't we all live with peace, happiness and harmony ? Hate and violence gives only grief, pain and ruins.

Its true i do not belong to Kashmir and i do not know the ground realities. But the pictures and views what is put at this blog/site do not seem to be true, as well.

Descrimination, un-just and crime are all over but do we think AZADI is the solution ? Many regions of India are not happy due to bad politicians and its policies. Leave aside about politicians, look around - right from our house, school, postoffice, bank, court, police,land,property, sales tax, income tax, excise...everywhere we have reasons to be sad due to bad system. Corruptions all over. Delhi has problems, Haryana has problems, UP, Jammu, Kashmir, North-East and everywhere, the problems all over. Azadi is not the answer. Its collective responsibility of our own citizens. If they elect good people, the system will change and so will change the unjust for all and justice will prevail for all.

You, we and all know why Pakistan is supporting separists. Its revenge for Bangladesh. Has Pakistan been able to keep happy its own people - Sindh, Balooch, Peshawar and Afghans and all ? So whats the guaranttee that they will not charge you the cost of support.

As for as the tension between Indian and Pakistan is concerned, there is no hope for peace untill good politicians come at both the sides. Some time we hv a General who kills the terrorists inside the Lal-Maszid and sometime Ms.Benjir is shot in open and later on somebody takes over as President who has been named in Pakistan as - Mr.10%

As for as the viloence and cruelity of Indian forces are concerned, I am not either supporting them or criticizing them because i do not know the ground realities there. I also do not know what you are writing at your blog/site is if true and how much true. But yes, Indian Police and Army has been criticized in all parts of India not necessarily for Kashmiri Moslems. But mind it, Army and forces act as per the orders from the state and central govts. Why don't you elect your own people who safeguard Kashmiri's interest, fights for unjust. Don't you see that in UP, Mayawati does what she wants. Central Govt dares not to intervene. Narendra Modi does what ever he likes. These are the way you can fight for the welfare of Kashmiris without violence and risk of lives of Kashmiris. Why to be blamed by provoking and exciting the normal kashmiris for Azadi.

I trust i hv tried to give some light and shown a bit different way of thinking. Please note, its not being scared of bomb blasts but for what ? We have seen freedom-fighters who walk and talk together. Not that, to transplant the bombs like cowards and kill the innocent women and children. What you have to say for those innocent women and children being killed in bomb blasts and all ?

I hope allmighty Allah shows us the right path and gives peace and happiness for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Jaiswal

Kashmiris wholeheartedly wanted to get involved in the electoral system of India in 1987. MUF was a party floated with the same idea that you wrote abot i.e., using the system to achieve the goals for the people, but Rajiv Ghandhi and Farooq Abdullah conspired to rig the now infamous elections of 1987. It is an established fact and accepted by the Indian leaders as well. The mass rigging in 1987 was followed by mass arrest of the MUF leaders throughout the valley. All this set Kashmir on fire. The ball is now in your court. Let India roll back the misdeeds done till now. Believe me India can do it. It is a superpower and a deep state. It can do it. It may not want to do it. That will be India's undoing.